University Research Week

UNC University Research Week

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What is University Research Week?: University Research Week is a semi-annual, campus-wide event designed to improve awareness of what it means to be a research university. It aims to align the University’s missions of producing world-class research, providing a world-class undergraduate education, and promoting opportunities for students to discover and engage in research.

 In support of this weeklong effort, departments are encouraged to coordinate department-specific activities through research interest group meetings, networking workshops, symposia highlighting faculty and student research and scholarship, and tours of laboratories and other research facilities.

What do the Ambassadors do?: UNC Biology Ambassadors created a series of student-featured videos that illustrate how research functions at UNC. Each video will show what type of research is being done in the biology department, and a little bit about the undergraduate student conducting the research.

Check out our Research Week Series!

Please view the University Research Week website for details on these events!